Code: PPT31-5
The PT31 Long electrode is a copper coated, double sided spare that delivers the electricity to the work piece. Once worn down, this electrode can be turned around and reused as a new electrode. Life expectancy of this consumable depends on the operator of the torch. When arcing occurs, ensure that the torch is slightly angled away from the material to be cut to allow the molten metal an escape route, ie; away from the torch head to minimize blow back into the nozzle. If piercing is required and the torch is held at 90 deg straight down onto the job then it would cause blow back into the torch head which would require more frequent changing of consumables.
The Long electrode is often preferred by operators who are cutting free hand as it give you more of a viewing space than the shorter nozzle and electrode setup. It also has a slightly further reach into tight corners than the shorter setup.